

The style of worship at Mount Olive can be described as “Traditional”, “Conservative”, and “Liturgical”. The pastor wears traditional Liturgical attire like an alb (the white robe), stole (the colored cloth draped over his shoulders), and a chasuble (a colored cloth “poncho” which is put on right before the Lord’s Supper, after the Sermon concludes). 

The pastor chants many parts of the liturgy, and the congregation is encouraged to join together in various parts like the Psalm. 

These, and other traditions, allow us to communicate the teachings of Scripture with our actions as well as our words. Additionally, these traditions unite is with other Christians in this present day as well as through history. These traditions, while not commanded by God, are drawn from Scripture and seek to glorify our Lord most High. 

All things should be done decently and in order.

1 Corinthians 14:40 

Proclamation of the Word

Every week at 10AM EST the faithful are called to gather together at Mount Olive Lutheran for a service of Word and Sacrament.

The service follows the order of “Divine Service Setting 3” in the Lutheran Service Book.

The service will begin with Confession and Absolution, move through prayer and the readings of the day, continue with the sermon, transition to the Lord’s Supper, and conclude with the Benediction.

The hymns during the service can all be found in the Lutheran Service Book, and are accompanied by the organ.

Recordings of the Sermons

While God does command us to worship and gather together regularly in-person, there are some occasions when that is difficult. We would like to record the sermons and publish them online for the benefit of those who can not make it to the service, as well as those who may simply want to enjoy hearing God’s Word proclaimed.

This is not a substitute for weekly fellowship, daily prayer, or daily Scripture reading, but rather this is another tool to be given for God’s people to hear His Word.

These videos may be found on either Mount Olive’s Facebook or Youtube page.

Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:24-25

© 2024 Mt. Olive Lutheran Church | Soli Deo Gloria